
We are proud!

A label for Biodiversity at the Chanalets golf course.


Throughout the year 2020, the audit office AUDDICE produced the report on the inventory of flora and fauna. The objective for our club was to validate the Bronze label of the program “Golf for Biodiversity”.

We are the 1st golf course in Drôme-Ardèche to get it, the 3th in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (Esery Grand Geneva Golf and Bossey Country Club).


The program “Golf for biodiversity” was created by the She is the guarantor of our future successful games with friends or even in competition. and the National Museum of Natural History, with, as ambition, to demonstrate that golf courses can be places of preservation rather than destruction of biodiversity.

Our regular players will be happy to know the species with which they share this natural space., like the European Goldfinch

or Hoopoe…


Many species are present on the golf course, which is presented by the ecological engineers, as a true ecological corridor favorable to biodiversity.

For all of us, the summary of the report will be a great discovery, we who only knew to date one endemic species around the Club House, “Fernando Froglet” which sports beautiful colors as spring approaches (breeding period)! Sorry Fernand…


Lien: Simplified report, Biodiversity


We are in the 40 first labeled golf courses in France, be fervent ambassadors of this approach, golf courses are spaces of freedom and preservation. “We are proud of it”

1 Ha of grass produces the oxygen needed to 150 people and captures CO2 from around 130 cars!

We are taking advantage of this moment of grace to ask players to be even more vigilant about:

*butts carelessly thrown on the ground

*papers and masks that escape from your bags

To preserve this natural space, with your gloved hand, this windswept intruder , will be picked up and thrown into one of the many bins along the route.

Thank you all for these ecological gestures, in friendly games, we can withdraw a point on the score of the hole! ( to check on the rules of golf…)


Reciprocal agreements


Many golf courses in the region have responded to our requests to thank club members. We were able to perpetuate and improve the reciprocity agreements ( to discover on the page of the Chanalets golf course): Accords



The LeClub golf network


Recently, new clubs have joined the network. Slightly further south, the Golf de la Drôme Provençale is the new kid to discover or rediscover, after many new developments, irrigation repair, without omitting the place of conviviality, the magnificent 17th century Mas.

Going further south, with the Gold or Classic card, the clubs of Pont Royal and Barbaroux will be happy to welcome you.

Take advantage of your fees to treat yourself.




“Species that survive are not the strongest species, nor the most intelligent, but the one that best adapts to changes!”

Charles Darwin


We wish you a nice week,

Golf staff