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  • 24

    Great teams

      For this Ascension weekend, four beautiful circles dedicated to the teams have been superimposed to magnify the flagship competition of the Drôme valley, the Gastronomy Valley ProAm of 18 at 20 May 2023   In the first circle, all the participants praised the teams of 3 golf […]

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  • 09

    Soon… What happiness

      Oui, be pampered while practicing your favorite sport, we all dream of it. The next two events will make it happen.   From this Sunday 14 May for the Mercury Trophy, on the team, under the leadership of Julien NARBONNE, proposes to enchant your day. Several stages will be offered to you with pancake stands, Mergue by […]

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  • 04

    beautiful mermaid!

      Sunday 30 avril – Open des Pompiers Don't worry, no one got stranded this weekend. Our firefighter friends have often activated this noisy device during their competition for the benefit of the Pupilles des Sapeurs Pompiers. They expressed their joy at being supported by the Chanalets players and many colleagues from other departments., Isere, […]

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  • 26

    Challenge met

    With brio, the asparagus open, Orchards of Seyvons, under the leadership of the couple Nicole and Jean-Paul COURTHIAL, rejoined the club of 100 (competition counting more than 100 players). They were the winners of the edition 2022, they will nevertheless have to be patient to know the podium 2023. But what is the chemistry that attracts each […]

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  • 18

    beautiful fervor

      For the Grand Prix Jeunes des Chanalets du 14 at 16 avril. This beautiful youth faced tormented weather conditions, they kept smiling throughout these 3 consecutive title in the GNTS Rhône Alpes championship contested by, without looking for false excuses in case of poor performance. “Tomorrow is another day.” A good example for their elders. Ils […]

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  • 18

    The golf diary

    The April newsletter has arrived Consult the online version

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  • 06

    The wings of smile

    Results Sunday 2 avril, the Club Lions Valence Doyen was able to rally nearly 70 players in Shamble to 2. Full playing rights, 1000€, have been donated to help this great charity “The wings of smile” Gross and Net Results The photos of the awards ceremony are visible on […]

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  • 30

    End of talks, finally some action!

      We can all do our shopping, we have the choice on the stalls of the demonstrations. Many formulas are proposed to you, this weekend it's a Shamble. By pair, after choosing the team's best ball, every player from the second move, plays own score. It is a magnificent mix of a formula “individual team” […]

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  • 22

    Playful !

      The coming weekend, will finally offer you a fun game formula: A scramble to 2, to apprehend each golf shot with less pressure and that, without reducing the spirit of competition. Playing as a team galvanizes, rest assured, in the unlikely event of poor performance by the pair, you can let go discreetly […]

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  • 15

    Thanks to Assurancetourix

      Thank you to the Assurancetourix who dared to push the song. Thanks to these experienced bards, we finally have the return of some rains. The sky didn't fall on our heads, but the moisture it released us, will help to awaken nature. Your course should, in a few days, enchant you […]

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