
  • 07

    A beautiful fellowship

      The Chanalets Grand Prix 4 and 5 mars gathered nearly 100 players, about fifteen active volunteers, 2 referees and the golf team. All agreed to live a great experience of a competition in the middle of winter. Mornings punctuated by bites of freshness, a prepared course […]

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  • 28

    Take out your diaries…

      The ball card of the demonstrations 2023 is almost finalized, you will find there according to your desires, sports competition, playful or in a team , they will all be calibrated to generate pleasure for the players and also for the partners who animate our sports season. Be curious and block a few dates now! […]

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  • 22


    ON YOUR DIARY Sunday 26 February 1:30 p.m. and shot gun: Scramble 3 Give and Take is organized on 9 holes Hat draw, in order to balance the games and discover new players. 16h30: General Assembly of the Sports Association: Information Tuesday 28 February at 9:30 a.m. The GNTS section of Les Chanalets organizes its meeting […]

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  • 16


        The one we're talking about is accompanied by the chirping of birds, it is that of nature. We just need the essentials to be successful: healthy showers for a harmonious awakening. Advice for anyone who would like to do a rain dance. A few clumsy steps can in some cases unlock some […]

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  • 09

    A beautiful energy

    During these school holidays, we are pleasantly surprised by the enthusiasm of our young players to understand the training areas and the course. For it, we can congratulate the parents who convey them, the ASBCs who accompany them on some routes, without forgetting the teachers who made them want to get out of the cozy cocoon […]

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  • 24

    We could believe!

      You might think that the winter season in golf courses is calmer! Those who think so, are wrong.   It was during this period that we built… Tomorrow's performance: Agathe SAUZON who is preparing her season ardently can tell you about it, land and many balls hit on the practice, on the […]

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  • 19


    the seats are limited, book as soon as possible, thank you!!!

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  • 05

    2023, I love golf

      2023, let's start the year with a little plagiarism, we follow the wishes of our federation “I like: The game Sharing Escape Nature The challenge I love golf Happy New Year 2023″   Let's add to this beautiful list, one year 2023 imbued with multiple joys, tolerance and health.   The start of the year […]

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  • 16

    End of the year in polo,

      End of the year in polo, of course only for fans of the round ball in Qatar. For everyone else, the outdoor air conditioning is set to very cool and humid. Let's be optimistic, a real winter with rains and frosts prepares nature to be even more beautiful when it wakes up in spring. […]

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  • 02

    The golf journal

    Golf Diary December 2022

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